December 04, 2008

Sunset in Ballard

"Through Him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame because God's love has been poured into our hearts."
Romans 5:2-5

Washed in the rosy glow of the winter's sunset Ballard rooftops silently watch the city end its work day. I watch the rooftops and the playground filled with latch-key kids racing about in the quickly waning light. Once again I am amazed, and slightly befuddled as to the grace of God in our life. Our simple life here in Ballard, overlooking the playground and suburbia in the heart of the city, is more than I could have ever hoped for in my wild days. Three years ago I shudder to think of the place I put myself into. Now day after day, through the last 2 1/2 years God has softened my heart, lifted me from the "depths of despair" I so willingly sank myself into time and time again, reached out his eternal grace and brought me a wonderful husband who loves me, shepherds me, and leads our little family with a Christ-centered heart.

The sun is rapidly disappearing and the deep blue of winter night comes early. Street lamps are illuminating one at a time. Our apartment is still dark as I wait for my love to come home. Today has been one of those days where like the streetlamps I fight to keep the darkness at bay. Memories wash over me with never-ending images and names and I cling to the grace made abundantly clear in my life.

Orange glow of lamps against the indigo sky. I love this city. I love our life!

May 23, 2008

This is what our late nights are like...

" then the angel by the periscope radios in to Central Command and Jesus gives the order..."
"Wait- Jesus is omnipresent, so wouldn't he know what was being seen by the periscope...whoop whoop whoop theological alarm whoop whoop"
"Your theological u-boat has just fired a torpedo into my imagination and now it is lying in three pieces on the bottom of the English Channel"

May 16, 2008

Nostalgic Night

Even though I miss Nate terribly while he is away from home (he is working at the Mars Hill Men's Advance this weekend) there is something marvelous about having the entire apartment to myself and whilst flipping channels coming across Barbra Streisand in her most fantastic role ever.....


I do believe that this is the 15th or 16th time I have enjoyed this jewel of American cinema, and since Nate is gone I am able to dance around the living room to my hearts content without getting those looks that he gives me: Half "I love you so much." Half "wow my wife is a loon." Half "I hope she won't make me dance with her."

So I suppose the apartment is lonely, but Walter Matthau, Barbra Streisand and I are enjoying a lovely evening together!

April 18, 2008

N: April Snow?

If April showers mean May flowers, what the heck does this mean?

April 11, 2008

Lame Duck and Greenlake

Seattle is a society of groundhogs. Seattlites hide away in their homes, coffee shops and bars during the winter only to emerge blinking into the sun come April. Sunlight is an optional luxury here, yet amidst the love of rain, wind and Northface gear there emerges a desperate need after 5 months of dreary weather to lace up some running shoes, drink a cup of coffee and spend an afternoon on the 2.8 mile pathway around Greenlake.

Nate and I gave in to such an urge this morning and decided to grab some coffee and scones then stroll around the lake drinking in the sun, the flowers, the crazy people and the ducks! Since walking and eating is a challenge for some of us, (mainly me) We decided to sit on a bench and watch the world go by...and then from the reeds along the side of the lake Wobbles appeared!

Wobbles' wife swam with him to the shore and nudged him up onto the path (one could almost hear her whisper "those two with the coffee look gullible...pull the invalid card") and returned to the water. Wobbles took a great long look at the daunting path filled with strollers and feet and began his journey...on one leg! He limped slowly towards our bench quacking quietly to himself. Once safely across the concrete he nibbled plaintively at a small dandelion and sat at our feet. Occasionally he would raise himself up limp in a circle, quack at us and settle back down eying our coffee cups all the while.

Not wanting to gather all the ducks of Greenlake to our feet we refused to feed him and yet he continued to sit and quack, quack and sit until we couldn't bear it any longer. Rising from our bench, confident that we could out-run the lame duck, we continued on our way but not without a twinge of guilt leaving poor Wobbles alone along the side of the lake.

If you are ever in the neighborhood and happen to see a duck swimming constantly in circles...say hi to Wobbles and ask after his wife for us.

April 03, 2008

N: Shaving for summer

My cheeks are feeling the air for the first time since October.  I hope the air gets warmer.

March 28, 2008

Opening Shift

I absolutely love our city in the dark before the sunrise! The rain-soaked pavement that glistens under orange streetlights early in the morning. The wind swirling around trees as another car whooshes through a puddle standing in middle of the street. Silent bus-stops with just a few strangers huddled against the chill and the counters of the early morning caffeine peddlers coming to life as baristas stock the shelves and pull the shots that make this city run. Before most of the city has dragged itself out of bed and injected another dose of caffeine to begin another hustle and bustle day I get to walk about half a mile to the shop where I work.

March 24, 2008

Why? Why Not?

I finally decided to jump on the bandwagon, follow the flock, imitate the masses and begin a blog. Hopefully this will be able to document Nate's and my crazy life here at our love nest in Ballard.

And now for your enjoyment...a typical Ellis self-portrait...
